Soles | Proof by Results

Proof has a variable timing. It may arrive over a very, very long time, several months, or within minutes, depending on your individual characteristics, wellness history and accumulated health effects of exposures to environmental toxins.

Your Magnetic Soles are working whether or not you can feel them doing their job. Many people report that cannot feel them working at all. That's fine. Please be patient. You may choose to blame the ubiquitous non-native Electromagnetic Fields. 

Do not make a false assumption that if you did feel them working initially and later on you do not, that they are no longer required. 

proof of results

If so, what really happened, most likely, is that your body increased its natural wellness. Keep them on your feet, no matter what, to keep increasing your well-being. Your Magnetic Soles will show a positive difference in your body, over time, within the limit of what is possible for your body to self-repair. Some cases take multiple years to develop the best outcome.

Proof of Performance

Original uploaded on 13 Dec 2011 (0:30 min)

This video is part of a diabetic neuropathy and dangers of EMF series lectured in medicine for CME Credits needed for ongoing licensing.

Establish a Baseline

The baseline is the condition of your body before you have placed your Magnetic Soles on your feet for the first time.

Knowing your status, it allows you to monitor your progress over time when you compare before and after to determine what the results have been.
Baseline before and after Magnetic Soles
vital signs
You could monitor
your vital signs

You, or your physician, or wellness consultant, could do some objective measurements such as your vital signs without ever wearing your 
Magnetic Soles
and then comparing findings after wearing them for 10 minutes under your feet.

Two Simple Physical Self-Assessments
1. To test upper body strength. do a physical stamina test such as the number of push-ups you can do, up to the maximum.

Repeat in similar conditions later, to compare results.
You could compare the number of push-ups you can do once a month.
Touch Your toes
You may do a Toe Touch “sit and reach” flexibility test

2. Next, you may do a flexibility test of how well you can touch your toes.

Test three times to obtain an average distance that you can reach.

You could do this monthly to see your anticipated improvements.

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