Medical Imaging | Overview

Every pixel/colour is different temperature

How does thermal imaging work? Why use it?

The wavelength and intensity of radiation emitted from an object is dependent solely upon its temperature.  Any object whose temperature is above -273°C (absolute zero) will emit radiation in the infrared portion of the spectrum.  If an object is hot enough, it will also emit radiation in the visible light as well as possibly the UV (ultraviolet) light portion of the spectrum.  Short-wave radiation is emitted at high temperatures whereas long-wave radiation occurs at low temperatures.  Consequently, the radiation from a very hot object like the sun is, relatively speaking, 
short-wave and in the visible part of the spectrum. The energy radiated from the relatively cool surface of the Earth is long-wave, which is only visible within the invisible, infrared portion of the spectrum.  Thermalgraphic Infrared Imaging (thermal imaging) is a form of technology which allows us to see the entire spectrum, which, when used in an industrial approach, helps lead us to a better diagnosis of potentially dangerous environments and/or equipment.

~ Curtis Bennett

Advanced Infrared, Medical Imaging,
Medical Education & Magnetic Therapy


Breast Cancer

Crohn's, Colitis, Irritable Bowel Inflammation

Diabetic Neuropathy

Foot Ulcers


Injury or Insurance Fraud

Leg Vein Inflammation


Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)


Rheumatoid Arthritis

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