Soles | Dianne's Journey

January 1, 2012
by Dianne Knight

Hello Fellow Wellness Seekers,

This is how I became what could have been lethally injured by wireless transmissions and other Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs). When in a life-threatening crisis, I use all my skills to overcome the danger. Good friends employed all their knowledge and wellness techniques also to help. 

Fortunately, in 2011, I was hand-picked and educated to do self-care, to achieve the best possible condition I could accomplish by Professor Curtis Bennett, significantly more than what my friends in wellness could do.
Professor Curtis Bennett
Professor Curtis Bennett

Toronto Hydro Activated the 'Smart' Meters

"Smart" meter
On December 1st, 2008, Toronto Hydro activated the "smart" meters in my neighbourhood. I did not know exactly what effects to expect from their EMF wireless transmissions. I was aware that it was seriously not going to be good.

Several weeks in advance I had informed my landlord on Wright Avenue that I did not consent to the "smart" meter. He had a professional engineering designation and I was not the sole tenant in my house. The law did not allow me to overrule him. He went ahead to allow the activation and informed me a few days ahead of time that it was to be done. The wireless transmitting "smart" meter was swapped for the analogue meter that was mounted on the outside of the house very close to where my bed was located inside. There was nowhere else to place my bed in my tiny bachelor apartment, to minimize the forthcoming danger.

I was left highly vulnerable.
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Previously Harmed by EMF Wireless Electricity

At the time I was already substantially harmed from unavoidable exposures to EMF wireless electricity from working at a wellness show two weeks prior of the "smart" meters activation. I worked in an Exhibitor's booth at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (MTCC). I was in a  crisis, especially from the EMF Wireless Electricity. The most harm originated from an exhibitor across the aisle from the booth where I was located. There they used a portable point-of-sale payment processing terminal. Immediately I felt my wave of destruction inside whenever a transaction went through.
point of sale terminal
Portable Point-of-Sale Payment Processing Terminal
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Martin Weatherall, Co-Director, W.E.E.P. –
Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution, Assists

Martin Weatherall, Co-Director, W.E.E.P. – Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution
Martin Weatherall, Co-Director, W.E.E.P. –
Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution
Attempting to protect myself from the intended "smart" meters activation, I wrote an email to a retired Toronto Police Service Officer, Martin Weatherall, Co-Director, W.E.E.P. – Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution, to ask for his advice.

Martin was the sole person in Ontario at the time who was advocating for those of us who recognized symptoms that we were experiencing were caused by EMFs. 

Following Martin's instructions, as best as I could, I was not able to sit up for very long at my hardwired desktop computer. I did not have enough functioning time to fully write a STOP letter to Councillor Gord Perks. A few days before the planned activation I sent by email a portion of what I wanted to say, hitting 'Send' just before I collapsed into bed. 

I received no response from my City of Toronto Councillor.
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"Live or Die"

On the first night of the activation, when I went to sleep as usual, I had a vivid dream. A dark shadowed, hooded figure with a sickle, The Grim Reaper, whose face I could not see, appeared and asked me whether I wanted to "Live or Die".

The identical dream was repeated the second night.
Grim Reaper
The Grim Reaper Appeared Twice
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"LIVE", Invoking Goodness


Fortunately I was given a choice. In my imagination I shouted "LIVE".

I slept for two days solid, except for once a day brief awakenings for minimal necessities of life.

When the identical dream came back the next night, once more, I forcefully commanded "LIVE" in my mind, invoking every power of goodness that I could do.

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We Each Have the Power to Create a Miracle

We are spiritual beings with a soul and spirit living in a physical body and we each have the power to create a miracle, with a heart of kindness.

"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."

~ Albert Einstein
Angel with me
Angels are always at the ready to do as we bid
in times of crisis.
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Tingling Wave of Energy

Tingling Wave of Energy
Each time I directed my body to live, I felt a tingling wave of energy, starting at the top of my head and running down my spine to my toes.

I had begun the repairs to heal myself to whatever extent I could.
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Damages to My Body

On the third day after the "smart" meters activation, I was rested enough to stay awake and discover the damages that had happened to my body. I did not have the words to describe my loss of functioning.

During the next several weeks I knew that I had lost most of my verbal communication skills; however, I could repeat simple things that I had said over and over for multiple years, ingrained in my memory.

I do not consume alcohol and my speech came out slurred, as if I was drunk. Even worse, I could not organize words in my mind to form new sentences, although my brain did think thoughts clearly.

I could type better than speak and my computer was infinitely forgiving as I corrected mistakes. When I sent an email, if appeared as if I was normal. 

Also, occasionally, without being able to predict when it would happen, I lost my grip on glassware in the kitchen and items crashed to the floor, shattering into pieces. 

typing on computer
Keystroking made me appear normal, without the recipients appreciating how much work it took to create a web page or compose an email.
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For Three Months No One Would Help Me

For three months no one would help me, no matter who I called.

A close friend dropped me because I could not be coherent while speaking.

The local hospital, St. Joseph's Health Centre, forbad me to attend there, because they were not set up for Environmental patients.

All the doctors' offices that I contacted, including the holistic ones, used wireless devices such as cordless phones. On top of that, other patients' cell phones were permitted to be used in their reception areas. For me, the additional harm from wireless signals would have been a set-back that I felt I could not endure. I was too weak physically to withstand any more non-ionizing radiation.

Public transit was not accessible. I travelled by foot or bicycle, which restricted my selection of where I might attend, if only I could go somewhere for help.
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A Friend in Wellness Offers Help

bridge in forest
"Go with him or perish."
Then a friend in wellness who I had not spoken to in 5 years, when I last worked with him, offered to help.

With his permission, I slept on it overnight and received a message in my dream, "Go with him or perish."

My friend invested his time and natural wellness products in me. I started to gradually improve.

A bit later I learned that my wellness whole food supplements were the same as required for those who were exposed to nuclear and other forms of ionizing radiation and I realized further how significant my circumstances were.
My friend in wellness convinced me that without any computer software coding skills, I could learn to build his web site and do his electronic newsletters. I meticulously articulated his every desire to be outstanding, even though I estimated it took me ten times longer than a typical person to do the work, while carefully crafting each design.
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Barrie Trower Lecture at the University of Toronto

In the summer of 2010, a person who is internationally recognized for his knowledge in the harm of EMFs, Barrie Trower, was invited to lecture at the University of Toronto.

This was a once in a lifetime event and it prompted me to begin a web site to promote his talk, that was entitled 'The History of Microwaves: From Weapons to Your WiFi'. 

I named my website Stay On The Truth.
Barrie Trower
Barrie Trower
Photo by By San Grewal,
Toronto Star Staff Reporter
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Professor Curtis Bennett Calls Me Repeatedly

Professor Curtis Bennett
Professor Curtis Bennett
Then, early in 2011, I found online a highly technical letter that made sense explaining the dangers of EMFs. I republished it on Stay On The Truth and sent the link back to where I found the letter. That step caused the author, Professor Curtis Bennett, to call me.

Professor Curtis Bennett  made, and later fulfilled, a promise to make my life far better. I could barely hold the phone, not understanding why someone that important would want to speak to me, especially when after a moment I could not remember what he had just said. The calls came regularly for nine months.

Then one day he announced that I "had passed every test", when I had not realized that I was being tested because the calls seemed to be so non-invasive, staying within my energy limits of how long I could manage to speak.
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My Magnetic Soles Arrived

A turning point in my life was on the horizon. The reason for this major milestone, was that my Magnetic Soles had almost arrived.

Until November 1st, 2011, I had no idea these newly designed wellness devices even existed, and then I discovered that the physicist who created them, Professor Anthony Bove, along with Professor Curtis Bennett, lectures these technologies in Continuing Medical Education (CME) for credits required for ongoing licensing for doctors and other professionals.

On top of that, the aforementioned ICME) Energy Medicine Program opens the door for selected others who are willing to learn.
A turning point, when my Magnetic Soles arrived
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Magnetic Soles Inside my Shoes at Work

Metro Toronto Convention Centre
Metro Toronto Convention Centre (MTCC)
I was committed to return to work, graciously hosted by a friend, in a different wellness booth, at the same venue in Toronto, where I had been injured before, the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (MTCC).

I counterbalanced my enthusiasm. Inside, I was wondering what would happen, knowing of a possible extreme internal cleansing reaction, as I adapted to this revolutionary technology inside my shoes. Would my body's adjustment to my "Molecular Massage by God" Magnetic Soles prohibit me from carrying out my duties?
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Previous Designs of the Magnetic Field by
Inventor, Professor Anthony Bove, In My Life

For two and a half decades, I had significantly benefitted from the earliest designs of the magnetic field by the same inventor, Professor Anthony Bove.

Unfortunately, the magnetic products that had restored me to a limited degree of competence had fallen apart about a year before the "smart" meters activation date.
Magnetic Field Lines
Magnetic Field Lines
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Transforming Fear into Love

transformed my calculated, rational, massive fear into love
Transforming Fear into Love
Upon returning to the MTCC, would I again be overpowered by the Electrosmog of the show attendees' cell phones, merchants' wireless devices and the wireless output of the nearby CN Tower, just like three and a half years ago?

Inside, I hoped that I would be okay, once I got over the initial curve, if there was to be a big dip.

In my mind, I had prepared myself, and transformed my calculated, rational, massive fear into love.
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Instantly My Cells Were Correctly In Alignment

As it turned out, I felt as if had no negative side effects whatsoever from my Magnetic Soles. Instead I experienced much stronger energy and endurance.

Sure, I had fatigue; however, now wearing my Magnetic Soles, my enervation level was much reduced. This time, after the weekend event was done, it took me three days to recover to a point where I could function well again.

Instantly, my cells were correctly in alignment, interrelated just as if I had not been without my previous magnetic apparatus.
Instantly my cells were correctly in alignment
a friend measured my aura
In fact, while at the show, a friend measured my aura with his testing meter and told me that my personal energy field was triple  with my Magnetic Soles inside my shoes, in contrast to my shoes off my feet. How wonderful it was to have an independent verification of what I figured would be the case!
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I Had Learned to Live with my Symptoms

In summary, three and a half years ago, within a comparatively much safer time period, before the wireless transmitting "smart" meters were activated in my neighbourhood, it would have taken me a month of recovery with mostly bed rest, with diminishing over time alternating fever and chills, to "normalize" from absorbing so much non-ionizing radiation. I had learned to live with my symptoms and could predict accurately what to expect after working a weekend at an event.
rising temperature
descending temperature
I could accurately predict my alternating fever and chills symptoms after working an event.
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Cell Phone Reception was Poor at My Home

poor cell phone reception
Cell phone reception was poor at my home
My home was especially suited to my needs because cell phone reception was poor, meaning that I was in a safer, lower power density area.
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No Cell Phones and Other Wireless Communication Devices

Most folks have no idea of what they are doing to each other with their wireless devices, oblivious to the accumulating biological risks leading to long term wellness consequences. Especially horrific is knowing what we establish now will apply to all future generations through genetic mutations, passing from mother to daughter. Those with weakened immune systems and chronic medical conditions, babies and children, the elderly and those carrying little ones on their way are in the highest risk groups.
no cell phones
No Cell Phones
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Personal Energy Steadily Increasing

Increased Nerve Conduction
Reduced Inflation, Increased Nerve Conduction...
Image Copyright © Thermoguy. All rights reserved.
My energy has been steadily increasing by a tiny amount each day since the show. I do not feel the Magnetic Soles working at all; I simply see the results of my significantly better nerve conduction. Perhaps my sensations are diminished due to the engulfing Electrosmog. I know that I am regrowing nerve fiber slowly because my previously lost memories of who I am are returning. I am a living example of experiencing increased bioavailability of nutrients and having more oxygen in my blood.

My Magnetic Soles complement all other paths to wellness that I am employing. My friends can see that I am much stronger too.
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Exposures to Environmental Hazards Beyond My Control

Some days I am exposed to Environmental hazards that are beyond my control, especially from the Radio Frequency Microwave Radiation component of others' Electromagnetic Fields (EMF).

Neurotoxins bring me down too.

Now I am able to recover and balance myself much more easily than before. I am testing my limits on outings, and know when I have overdone it and need to stay within my Environmental Sanctuary at home until I return to my usual level of wellness.

Radio Frequency from others
Radio Frequency Microwave Radiation from others' transmissions harms me
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Amazing New Technology

It is my desire to keep progressing and I look forward to a much better future.

I wish to share this amazing new technology with as many as possible, while I do my best to stop the most dangerous source of the challenges to our Planetary survival and help co-create "Paradise on Earth" for Humanity and Creatures. 
Let's Co-create Paradise on Earth
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My Gratitude to All Those Who are Helping Me on My Journey

On My Journey
On My Journey

I wish to deeply express my deepest gratitude to all those who are helping me on my journey.

I was barely hanging on to life by the skin of my teeth.

A few carefully chosen best friends and finest wellness coaches stepped into my life, especially Professor Curtis Bennett of the Integrative Health Forum, with endless hours of devotion to service.

I wish a similar increase in natural energy for you and yours!

Peace, Love & Light,

Pinterest Business
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