Medical Imagining | Advanced Infrared, Medical Imaging, Medical Education &                                                       Magnetic Therapy

(00:32 min.)

Advanced Infrared, Medical Imaging, Medical Education & Magnetic Therapy, Page 1 of 7

[Excerpt, paragraph 3]

'Natural technologies increasing nerve conduction, regrowing nerve fiber, reducing inflammation and increasing circulation are a complement to medical objectives. The real savings in health costs is billions of dollars and represents the best interest of the patient.'

~ Curtis Bennett
Advanced Infrared, Medical Imaging, Medical Education & Magnetic Therapy

Leg Vein Inflammation, Page 2
Reduction of Inflammation & Changes in 46 Minutes, Page 3

Tops & Bottoms of Diabetic Feet Receiving Wound Care, Page 4

Before & After Changes After 46 Minutes of Insole Use, Page 5

Physiological Changes in 33 Minutes, Page 6

Before Insoles, After Insoles, Page 7

Infrared, Medical Imaging, Medical Education & Magnetic Therapy

Electromagnetic Stimulators, EMF Pulses or Pulsed Magnetics, Page 5


Electromagnetic stimulators, EMF pulses or pulsed magnetics is presently employed in medicine; a responsible magnetic application is natural to the body with superior results.

~ Curtis Bennett
Electromagnetic Stimulators, EMF Pulses or Pulsed Magnetics, Page 5
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